YouTube Blocked in Turkmenistan, Moscow, 06 Oct 2008 – Popular website has been blocked in Turkmenistan since early September allegedly for posting satirical cartoons about Turkmenistan by TurkmenDissident TV, Khronika Turkmenistana reports.

Blocking of websites is endemic in Turkmenistan, all undesirable internet portals are blocked by the main Internet provider Turkmentelecom. Other provider, Russian company MTS, which depends on Turkmentelecom for license, has to consider local policies on the Internet.

Video materials on are also blocked in Uzbekistan since the website posted a movie Fitna by the Dutch parliamentarian Greet Wilders, where he explores the Quranic motivations for terrorism.

Internet information is strictly controlled in Uzbekistan. All the websites, which are blocked in this country permanently, including, have organized an online protest movement “This Site is Blocked in Uzbekistan.”

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